지금은 바쁘고 피부가 약해서 썬크림을 바르는 정도지만 곧 화장을 할텐데..
아니 이미 샴푸나 많은 세제를 써서 나도 이미 많은 화학품에 노출되어 17년을 살았겠지..
As we go about our daily lives, we are exposed to many different chemicals that could have negative effects on our hormones. These hormonal changes have been linked to several adverse health outcomes such as breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, understanding chemicals that influence hormone levels is important for public health—and particularly for women's health—since their exposure to these chemicals is often higher due to their presence in beauty and personal care products.
A new study published in Environment International by George Mason University Assistant Professor of Global and Community Health Dr. Anna Pollack and colleagues discovered links between chemicals that are widely used in cosmetic and personal care products and changes in reproductive hormones.
A total of 509 urine samples were collected from 143 women aged 18 to 44 years, free of known chronic health conditions and birth control to be measured for environmental chemicals that are found in personal care products, such as parabens, which are antimicrobial preservatives, and benzophenones, which are ultraviolet filters.
"This study is the first to examine mixtures of chemicals that are widely used in personal care products in relation to hormones in healthy, reproductive-age women, using multiple measures of exposure across the menstrual cycle, which improved upon research that relied on one or two measures of chemicals," Pollack noted.
This multi-chemical approach more closely reflects real world environmental exposures and shows that even low-level exposure to mixtures of chemicals may affect reproductive hormone levels. Another noteworthy finding of the study is that certain chemical and UV filters were associated with decreased reproductive hormones in multi-chemical exposures while others were associated with increases in other reproductive hormones, underscoring the complexities of these chemicals.
"What we should take away from this study is that we may need to be careful about the chemicals in the beauty and personal care products we use," explains Pollack. "We have early indicators that chemicals such as parabens may increase estrogen levels. If this finding is confirmed by additional research, it could have implications for estrogen dependent diseases such as breast cancer."
More information: Anna Z. Pollack et al, Exposure to bisphenol A, chlorophenols, benzophenones, and parabens in relation to reproductive hormones in healthy women: A chemical mixture approach,
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파라벤(향균보조제)과 벤조페논(자외선 차단제) 등 화학물질이 화장품 속에 들어 있을 경우 생식호르몬에 여러가지 나쁜 영향을 미침
As we go about our daily lives, we are exposed to many different chemicals that could have negative effects on our hormones. These hormonal changes have been linked to several adverse health outcomes such as breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, understanding chemicals that influence hormone levels is important for public health—and particularly for women's health—since their exposure to these chemicals is often higher due to their presence in beauty and personal care products.
A new study published in Environment International by George Mason University Assistant Professor of Global and Community Health Dr. Anna Pollack and colleagues discovered links between chemicals that are widely used in cosmetic and personal care products and changes in reproductive hormones.
A total of 509 urine samples were collected from 143 women aged 18 to 44 years, free of known chronic health conditions and birth control to be measured for environmental chemicals that are found in personal care products, such as parabens, which are antimicrobial preservatives, and benzophenones, which are ultraviolet filters.
"This study is the first to examine mixtures of chemicals that are widely used in personal care products in relation to hormones in healthy, reproductive-age women, using multiple measures of exposure across the menstrual cycle, which improved upon research that relied on one or two measures of chemicals," Pollack noted.
This multi-chemical approach more closely reflects real world environmental exposures and shows that even low-level exposure to mixtures of chemicals may affect reproductive hormone levels. Another noteworthy finding of the study is that certain chemical and UV filters were associated with decreased reproductive hormones in multi-chemical exposures while others were associated with increases in other reproductive hormones, underscoring the complexities of these chemicals.
"What we should take away from this study is that we may need to be careful about the chemicals in the beauty and personal care products we use," explains Pollack. "We have early indicators that chemicals such as parabens may increase estrogen levels. If this finding is confirmed by additional research, it could have implications for estrogen dependent diseases such as breast cancer."
More information: Anna Z. Pollack et al, Exposure to bisphenol A, chlorophenols, benzophenones, and parabens in relation to reproductive hormones in healthy women: A chemical mixture approach,
Environment International (2018).DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2018.07.028
화장품 속에 들어있는 일반적인 화학물질도 호르몬 수치의 변화와 밀접한 관련이 있으며, 이는 유방암·심혈관계 질환 등 심각한 질병으로 이어질 수 있다는 연구 결과가 나왔다.
미국 조지메이슨대의 최근 연구 결과다. 연구팀은 18~44세의 건강한 여성 143명의 소변 샘플 509건을 채취해, 화장품에서 흔히 발견되는 환경화학물질의 존재 여부 등을 분석했다. 참가자들은 피임약을 복용했고, 만성질환을 앓은 적이 없었다.
그 결과, 파라벤(항균 보존제)과 벤조페논(자외선 차단제) 등 화학물질이 화장품 속에 들어 있을 경우 생식호르몬에 여러 가지 나쁜 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 이런 화학물질의 혼합물에 약간 노출되더라도 생식호르몬의 수치가 변할 수 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다.
연구팀의 안나 폴락 조교수(세계 및 지역사회 보건)는 “파라벤 등 화학물질이 에스트로겐 수치를 높일 수 있다는 초기 지표를 확보하고 있다”고 밝혔다. 따라서 이번 연구 결과가 추가 연구로 확인된다면, 유방암 등 에스트로겐에 의존적인 질병에 대한 중요한 시사점을 얻을 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
폴락 조교수는 또 일부 화학물질의 혼합물에 노출될 경우, 그 종류에 따라 생식호르몬의 수치가 높아지거나 낮아지는 것으로 드러났다고 설명했다.
그녀는 “생리주기 전반에 걸친 다양한 노출 사례의 측정을 통해, 개인 미용위생용품에 널리 쓰는 화학물질의 혼합물이 건강한 가임 연령층 여성들의 호르몬과 관련이 있는지 여부를 분석한 첫 연구”라고 자평했다.
미국 조지메이슨대의 최근 연구 결과다. 연구팀은 18~44세의 건강한 여성 143명의 소변 샘플 509건을 채취해, 화장품에서 흔히 발견되는 환경화학물질의 존재 여부 등을 분석했다. 참가자들은 피임약을 복용했고, 만성질환을 앓은 적이 없었다.
그 결과, 파라벤(항균 보존제)과 벤조페논(자외선 차단제) 등 화학물질이 화장품 속에 들어 있을 경우 생식호르몬에 여러 가지 나쁜 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 이런 화학물질의 혼합물에 약간 노출되더라도 생식호르몬의 수치가 변할 수 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다.
연구팀의 안나 폴락 조교수(세계 및 지역사회 보건)는 “파라벤 등 화학물질이 에스트로겐 수치를 높일 수 있다는 초기 지표를 확보하고 있다”고 밝혔다. 따라서 이번 연구 결과가 추가 연구로 확인된다면, 유방암 등 에스트로겐에 의존적인 질병에 대한 중요한 시사점을 얻을 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
폴락 조교수는 또 일부 화학물질의 혼합물에 노출될 경우, 그 종류에 따라 생식호르몬의 수치가 높아지거나 낮아지는 것으로 드러났다고 설명했다.
그녀는 “생리주기 전반에 걸친 다양한 노출 사례의 측정을 통해, 개인 미용위생용품에 널리 쓰는 화학물질의 혼합물이 건강한 가임 연령층 여성들의 호르몬과 관련이 있는지 여부를 분석한 첫 연구”라고 자평했다.