Zoonosis 인수 공통 감염병

메르스, 사스 등 신종 감염병들 근원 추적하니 동물에서 전파된 것, 동물 접촉이나 기생충 등, 물려 전염, 그리고 애완동물 통해서도 옮음 등으로 파악되고 있다.

지난주는 메르스를 계기로 박쥐로 인해 인간에게 전달되는 질병을 알아보았고 오늘은 인간과 동물 모두에게 영향을 주는 전염병도 좀더 공부해 보려고 한다.

New infectious diseases such as Mers and SARS are transmitted from animals, parasites, and even transmitted by our pets.

Last week, I studied the disease that is transmitted to humans by bats, and today I am going to study more the infectious diseases affecting both humans and animals.

Zoonosis is the name given to diseases or infections that can be transmitted between humans and animals.

Many people interact with animals during their daily lives, and millions of households in the United States have pets. Other people come into contact with animals through their work, such as farming, or in the wild.

What is zoonosis?
Many different types of animals may spread zoonotic diseases, including chickens.
Zoonosis refers to diseases that can be passed from animals to humans. They are sometimes called zoonotic diseases.
Animals can carry harmful germs, such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. These are then shared with humans and cause illness. Zoonotic diseases range from mild to severe, and some can even be fatal.
Zoonotic diseases are widespread both in the U.S. and worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 61 percent of all human diseases are zoonotic in origin, while 75 percent of new diseases discovered in the last decade are zoonotic.
Before the introduction of new hygiene regulations around 100 years ago, zoonotic diseases such as bovine tuberculosis, bubonic plague, and glanders caused millions of deaths. They are still a major problem in developing countries.


Common zoonotic illnesses include:
Rabies is a disease that affects the nervous system of mammals. It is usually caused by a virus and is transmitted if an infected animal bites a person or other animal.
Rabies is almost always fatal once symptoms appear. However, rabies vaccines exist and are commonly available.

Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Lyme disease is transmitted through tick bites. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, but it can be treated using antibiotics.

Dengue, malaria, and chikungunya
These are mosquito-borne diseases and are more common in certain areas, such as the Caribbean.
Symptoms include fever, vomiting, and headaches. It is vital to treat these conditions as soon as possible, as they can be fatal.

Salmonella infection
Salmonella is often caused by handling reptiles or amphibians that carry Salmonella, or by handling baby chicks or ducks.
The illness usually lasts for between 4 and 7 days, and symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. People can usually recover without medical treatment, although conservative measures are recommended.

E. coli

This infection is often caused by touching infected animals or handling contaminated food. Cows also have E. coli germs on their udders.
Often associated with food poisoning, salmonella can cause vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. It is essential that infected people rest and drink plenty of fluids.


Also known as ornithosis or parrot fever, psittacosis is a bacterial disease that most often affects birds. Humans can get it from feathers, secretions, and droppings.
Symptoms include fever, headache, and dry cough. In serious cases, it may cause pneumonia and require a hospital visit.

Other types
There are hundreds of zoonotic diseases, but many are rare. Other well-known types include:
avian influenza or bird flu
bovine tuberculosis
cat scratch fever
West Nile virus
Zika fever
swine influenza

Zoonotic diseases can be transferred from animals to humans in several different ways, including:

Direct contact
Direct contact is one potential cause of the spread of zoonotic diseases.
Direct contact involves coming into contact with the bodily fluids of an infected animal, such as saliva, blood, urine, mucus, or feces.
This can happen because of merely touching or petting infected animals, or being bitten or scratched by one.
Water resources that are contaminated by manure can also contain a great variety of zoonotic bacteria and therefore increase the risk of that bacteria transferring to humans.

Indirect contact
Indirect contact involves coming into contact with an area where infected animals live or roam, or by touching an object that has been contaminated by an infected animal.
Common areas where this occurs include:
aquarium tanks
chicken coops
pet baskets, cages, or kennels
pet food and water dishes
plants and soil where infected animals have been
Farmers, abattoir workers, zoo or pet shop workers, and veterinarians have an increased risk of being exposed to zoonotic diseases. They can also become carriers and pass those diseases on to other people.


A vector is a living organism that transfers an infection from an animal to a human, or another animal.
They are often arthropods. Common vectors include:
The vector will bite the infected animal and then bite a human, passing on the zoonotic disease.

Zoonosis can come from contaminated animal food products, improper food handling, or inadequate cooking.
Around 1 in 6 American people will get sick at some point in their lives by eating or drinking contaminated food or drink.
Common causes of zoonosis through food-borne include:
unpasteurized milk
undercooked meat or eggs
raw fruit and vegetables contaminated with feces from an infected animal

Other causes
Global climate change, the overuse of antimicrobials in medicine, and more intensified farm settings are also thought to influence the increasing rate of zoonotic diseases.
People with a weakened immune system are also at greater risk. Common causes of immune-suppression include:
cancer treatment
organ transplant
infectious diseases, such as AIDS


Practicing good hygiene by washing hands after handling animals and before preparing food may help to prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases.

People come into contact with animals all the time, but there are several steps a person can take to help prevent infection. These include:
Keeping hands clean: Washing hands with clean soap and running water after being around animals, even if not touching them, can stop germs spreading.
Choosing a pet wisely: Thoroughly researching types of pets and taking steps to be safe around them can help prevent disease.
Preventing bites from mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas: Using bug sprays, wearing long trousers and sleeves, and staying away from wooded areas can help prevent bites.
Handling food safely: A person can prevent infections, such as salmonella, by ensuring food is cooked properly, that food preparation areas are clean, and by washing dishes and pots after use.
Researching diseases before travel: Being aware of the different types of zoonotic diseases when traveling and taking precautionary steps with vaccines are essential.

동물의 박테리아·곰팡이·기생충·세균·바이러스 등이 사람에게 우연하게 전달되면서 발생하는 질병을 '인수 공통 감염병'이라고 한다. 인(인간)과 수(짐승)가 공통으로 걸릴 수 있는 감염병이라는 뜻이다. 
개, 고양이, 토끼, 새, 물고기, 말, 사슴, 소, 염소, 박쥐, 낙타 등 다양한 동물이 인간에게 병을 옮긴다. 
동물의 음식, 침, 똥 등을 사람이 만지거나, 동물에게 기생해 살던 진드기 같은 기생충이 인간을 물면서 병이 전해진다.

동물에게서 옮은 무시무시한 감염병들
 2000년대를 휩쓴 신종 감염병인 메르스, 에볼라, 사스, 조류인플루엔자 대부분이 인수 공통 감염병이고 그 외에도 우리에게 잘 알려진 HIV 에이즈, 뎅기열 등 무서운 감염병의 근원을 추적하면 상당수가 동물에게서 인간에게 전파된 병이다. 그러므로 인류에게 인수 공통 감염병은 큰 위협일 수밖에 없다

왜 최근 들어 인수 공통 감염병의 위험이 커진 것일까? 

여러 가지 이유가 있지만, 생태계가 파괴된 것도 중요한 원인이며, 지구온난화로 말미암아 아열대기후에서 살던 벌레나 동물들이 한국에도 나타나는등 환경 파괴가 새로운 병을 불러온 것이다.
또한, 전 세계적으로 동물 체험장과 애완동물의 종류와 수가 증가한 것도 한몫한다. 이 때문에 야생동물과 농장 동물 등 여러 동물과 사람의 접촉이 증가했고, 그러면서 동물을 통한 신형 변종 전염병의 발생 가능성이 급증했다고 한다.

동물과 공존하려면 인간의 노력 필요
인수 공통 감염병은 우리 주변의 애완동물을 통해서도 전파될 수 있다. 특히 어린 동물일수록 미성숙하고 활동적이기 때문에 주의해야 한다. 귀엽다고 동물을 안고 놀다가 자칫 잘못해서 난 상처로 병이 감염될 가능성도 크다.  

애완동물은 기본적인 위생 관리를 통하여 그 위험성을 감소시킬 수 있다
  1. 정기적인 예방접종과 함께 수의사의 진찰을 받아야한다. 예를 들어 광견병은 대표적인 인수 공통 감염병이지만, 강아지에게 광견병 예방주사를 맞히면 걱정을 덜 수 있다. 
  2. 설사·피부 질환을 보일 때에는 즉시 인간과 격리하거나 위생에 신경 쓰고 동물병원에 바로 데려가야 한다. 
  3. 진드기·벼룩도 병균을 옮기는 주된 원인이다. 기생충이 있지 않은지 정기적으로 관찰하고 만약 있으면 바로 치료해 없애준다. 집 밖에서 기르는 동물은 진드기가 생기기 쉬우니 좀 더 세심한 주의가 필요하다. 
  4. 애완동물의 손톱·발톱이 날카롭지 않도록 관리도 필요하다. 
  5. 감염병 위험을 줄이기 위해서 먹이로는 생고기, 생달걀보다는 안전하게 유통되는 고품질 음식을 먹도록 한다. 애완동물이 쓰레기·배설물 등을 먹지 않도록 관리도 필요하다.
  6. 애완동물을 만지거나 배설물을 치우고 나면 손을 꼭 씻어야한다. 
인간도 자연의 일부이다. 동물과 인간은 감염병의 위험이 있다고 아예 떨어져 살 순 없다.
게다가 우리 인간이 인간 중심의 삶만 추구하면서 환경을 파괴하면, 감염병의 위험은 더욱 커질 것이다. 그러므로 조화롭게 더불어 살 수 있는 생태계를 조성하는 것이 중요하다. 
그러므로 감염병의 위험은 줄이고 자연을 해치지 않으면서 사회를 발전해나갈 방법을 우리 인류가 찾아야 할것 같다.

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