최근 동물학대에 대한 여러 기사들을 찾아 읽다보니 기사중 공혈견에 대한 기사를 읽었다.
그기사를 읽다보니 동물들의 혈액형이 어떻게 사람과 다르고 종마다는 어떻게 다른지 궁금했다.
It’s well known that people have different blood types and the same is true in animals.
그기사를 읽다보니 동물들의 혈액형이 어떻게 사람과 다르고 종마다는 어떻게 다른지 궁금했다.
또 사람처럼 수혈시 어떻게 주고 받을지도 궁금했다.
I recently read many articles about animal abuse and blood donor dogs. As I read the article, I wondered how the blood types of animals differ from people. I also wondered how blood donation works between the dogs.
What is a blood type?
A blood type refers to the presence, absence or variation of chemicals on the surface of red blood cells. Just as animals have different coloured eyes or hair due to different chemicals, they have different blood types.
All mammals possess red cell antigens that can affect blood transfusions and on occasion cause HDN in newborn animals. Although historically they were named alphabetically in order of their discovery, there is a growing tendency to add the prefix EA (erythrocyte antigen) to reduce confusion with MHC antigens.

What happens if a cat receives the blood of a different type to their own?
Similar to dogs, mismatched blood transfusions can lead to life-threatening reactions but the situation is a little different as the immune system in cats is pre-prepared and can react badly the first time there is a mismatch.
Antibodies can be transmitted in milk, putting kittens at risk if they are a different blood type from their mother
Even a few drops of AB mismatched blood to a cat can be fatal. This is also important when breeding cats as kittens with type A blood can have a fatal reaction (called neonatal isoerythrolysis) if they drink milk, containing antibodies, from a type B queen.
What is crossmatching?
Another term you may hear in reference to blood types is ‘crossmatching’.
Crossmatching is a blood test that is used to test a patient’s immune system to make sure it is not going to attack the red blood cells from a donor that it may be about to receive due to incompatible blood types.
In small animal veterinary medicine, crossmatching is usually done for blood transfusions more than 5 days after a patient’s first ever transfusion, as after this time there is an increased risk of reactions against the less common blood types that we don’t usually test for.
Although crossmatching is very important to prevent this particular type of reaction (known as an “acute hemolytic transfusion reaction”), many other types of transfusion reaction can occur which cannot be predicted/prevented.
A blood type refers to the presence, absence or variation of chemicals on the surface of red blood cells. Just as animals have different coloured eyes or hair due to different chemicals, they have different blood types.
- In dogs, more than a dozen blood types have been identified
- In cats there have been two blood groups described but there are likely to be many more
Domestic Animal Blood Groups
blood groups
A, B, AB, O
A, C, D, K, P, Q, U
A, B, C, F, J*, L, M, R*, S, Z, T
A, B, C, M, J
A, B, C, D, M, R*
Agglutination (D only)
A*, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P
DEA 1.1, 1.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7*, 8
(DEA: Dog Erythrocyte Antigen)
A, B, AB
*Soluble blood group substances.

What is the blood type system in dogs?
The blood type system that we commonly test for in dogs is called Dog Erythrocyte Antigen (DEA) 1.1.
This blood type can either be:
This blood type can either be:
- present (DEA 1.1 positive) or
- absent (DEA 1.1 negative)
What happens if a dog receives the blood of a different type to their own?
The reason blood types are considered important is that there is a split in the canine population with about half being DEA1.1 positive and half being DEA 1.1 negative. The immune system of DEA 1.1 negative dogs recognizes DEA 1.1 as a foreign substance and so attacks it. This can lead to severe transfusion reactions if a DEA 1.1 negative dog is given blood from a DEA 1.1 positive donor.
Just like in most illnesses, the immune system takes longer to react the first time it encounters something and so there is unlikely to be an immediate problem if a dog receives a mismatched blood transfusion the first time.
If a DEA 1.1 mismatched transfusion happens for a second time, the immune system is already prepared for the foreign substance and so the reaction can be quite severe, even life-threatening.
The reason blood types are considered important is that there is a split in the canine population with about half being DEA1.1 positive and half being DEA 1.1 negative. The immune system of DEA 1.1 negative dogs recognizes DEA 1.1 as a foreign substance and so attacks it. This can lead to severe transfusion reactions if a DEA 1.1 negative dog is given blood from a DEA 1.1 positive donor.
Just like in most illnesses, the immune system takes longer to react the first time it encounters something and so there is unlikely to be an immediate problem if a dog receives a mismatched blood transfusion the first time.
If a DEA 1.1 mismatched transfusion happens for a second time, the immune system is already prepared for the foreign substance and so the reaction can be quite severe, even life-threatening.
What is the blood type system in cats?
The situation in cats is a little different as the most important blood group in this species is the AB system.
Cats can either be:
The situation in cats is a little different as the most important blood group in this species is the AB system.
Cats can either be:
- type A or
- type B or
- type AB
What happens if a cat receives the blood of a different type to their own?
Similar to dogs, mismatched blood transfusions can lead to life-threatening reactions but the situation is a little different as the immune system in cats is pre-prepared and can react badly the first time there is a mismatch.
Antibodies can be transmitted in milk, putting kittens at risk if they are a different blood type from their mother
Even a few drops of AB mismatched blood to a cat can be fatal. This is also important when breeding cats as kittens with type A blood can have a fatal reaction (called neonatal isoerythrolysis) if they drink milk, containing antibodies, from a type B queen.
What is crossmatching?
Another term you may hear in reference to blood types is ‘crossmatching’.
Crossmatching is a blood test that is used to test a patient’s immune system to make sure it is not going to attack the red blood cells from a donor that it may be about to receive due to incompatible blood types.
In small animal veterinary medicine, crossmatching is usually done for blood transfusions more than 5 days after a patient’s first ever transfusion, as after this time there is an increased risk of reactions against the less common blood types that we don’t usually test for.
Although crossmatching is very important to prevent this particular type of reaction (known as an “acute hemolytic transfusion reaction”), many other types of transfusion reaction can occur which cannot be predicted/prevented.
📚 Reference