지난 생물프로젝트 수업으로 동물의 자연교배와 인공교배의 장단점을 배우기 위해 치와와의 인공교배에 대한 자료를 찾다가 작은 강아지 그것도 너무나 작은 티컵강아지들의 현실을 알게되는 자료를 찾게 되었다. 인간의 이기심이 만들어낸 변종인 티컵 강아지를 사서 키워야 할까 생각이 든다.
In order to learn the advantages and disadvantages of natural selection and artificial selection for the biology project, I searched for data on artificial interbreeding of Chihuahua, Through that research, found some information about how people are artificially breeding small dogs to make even smaller dogs. After learning that, I regretted liking tiny dogs. Small, teacup puppies are human's selfishness and I don't think I will raise them ever.
After Paris Hilton introduced the world to Tinkerbell the Chihuahua on the TV show "The Simple Life," veterinarians say there's been an increased interest in “teacup” dogs—animals bred to be so small they could fit in a designer purse.
But the practices used to breed these tiny dogs could lead to a host of medical problems, and owners should know what they’re getting into before plunking down big bucks for a small dog.
What Is a Teacup Dog?
Teacup dogs are animals that have been bred to be as small as humanly—or shall we say caninely—possible. Most dogs considered to be teacups weigh 5 pounds or less, says Los Angeles-based veterinarian Dr. Patrick Mahaney.
You’ll find teacup versions of many already-small dog breeds, including teacup Poodles, teacup Pugs, and teacup Yorkies. Other popular teacup breeds include Maltese, Pomeranians, and Shih Tzus.
To create teacup dogs, breeders pair the so-called “runts” of the litters to make the smallest animal possible, says Dr. Cathy Meeks, a board-certified internal medicine specialist and a group medical director at BluePearl Veterinary Partners in Tampa, Florida. But sometimes the dogs selected for breeding are small because of a birth defect or other medical condition.
“Health risks for these tiny dogs are significant,” says Dr. Judy Morgan, a holistic veterinarian and author of several books. “This is not a natural breeding situation. It is an unnatural practice by breeders looking for a marketing edge.”
The edge comes with a price. Teacup dogs can cost thousands of dollars.
Perceived Advantages of Owning a Teacup Dog
Having a dog that fits in a pocket has potential advantages. You can take them anywhere, they get lots of attention from friends and family and—when they’re healthy—their small statures mean they don’t need large quantities of food and/or preventative medications. This can keep yearly costs low.
Small dogs are also appealing to pet owners who live in facilities with pet size restrictions or can only provide short walks or other forms of exercise.
But doctors say the breeding history of teacup dogs can make these tiny canines more predisposed to certain health issues.
In order to learn the advantages and disadvantages of natural selection and artificial selection for the biology project, I searched for data on artificial interbreeding of Chihuahua, Through that research, found some information about how people are artificially breeding small dogs to make even smaller dogs. After learning that, I regretted liking tiny dogs. Small, teacup puppies are human's selfishness and I don't think I will raise them ever.
동물학대를 반대하는 대학생 동아리 ‘작은물결’ 팀원들이 ‘티컵강아지’에 대한 불편한 진실을 알리기 위해 관련 제품을 판매하여 수익금을 기부하는 이색 활동에 나섰다. 그들은 티컵강아지에서 이름만 바뀌어 여전히 미니강아지로 판매되고있는 현실을 보다 많은 사람들에게 알리고자 한다.
📷 Image Source : Today © News1
After Paris Hilton introduced the world to Tinkerbell the Chihuahua on the TV show "The Simple Life," veterinarians say there's been an increased interest in “teacup” dogs—animals bred to be so small they could fit in a designer purse.
But the practices used to breed these tiny dogs could lead to a host of medical problems, and owners should know what they’re getting into before plunking down big bucks for a small dog.
What Is a Teacup Dog?
Teacup dogs are animals that have been bred to be as small as humanly—or shall we say caninely—possible. Most dogs considered to be teacups weigh 5 pounds or less, says Los Angeles-based veterinarian Dr. Patrick Mahaney.
You’ll find teacup versions of many already-small dog breeds, including teacup Poodles, teacup Pugs, and teacup Yorkies. Other popular teacup breeds include Maltese, Pomeranians, and Shih Tzus.
To create teacup dogs, breeders pair the so-called “runts” of the litters to make the smallest animal possible, says Dr. Cathy Meeks, a board-certified internal medicine specialist and a group medical director at BluePearl Veterinary Partners in Tampa, Florida. But sometimes the dogs selected for breeding are small because of a birth defect or other medical condition.
“Health risks for these tiny dogs are significant,” says Dr. Judy Morgan, a holistic veterinarian and author of several books. “This is not a natural breeding situation. It is an unnatural practice by breeders looking for a marketing edge.”
The edge comes with a price. Teacup dogs can cost thousands of dollars.
Perceived Advantages of Owning a Teacup Dog
Having a dog that fits in a pocket has potential advantages. You can take them anywhere, they get lots of attention from friends and family and—when they’re healthy—their small statures mean they don’t need large quantities of food and/or preventative medications. This can keep yearly costs low.
Small dogs are also appealing to pet owners who live in facilities with pet size restrictions or can only provide short walks or other forms of exercise.
But doctors say the breeding history of teacup dogs can make these tiny canines more predisposed to certain health issues.
Health Risks for Teacup Dogs
Doctors say common health issues for teacup dogs include hypoglycemia, heart defects, collapsing trachea, seizures, respiratory problems, digestive problems, and blindness.
The breeding practices can also lead to an increased risk for liver shunts, says Meeks. Liver shunts are often congenital birth defects in dogs that affect the liver’s ability to flush out toxins. Treatment for liver shunts can cost up to $6,000, and some types of shunts don’t respond well to therapy regardless of the cost.
Many small dogs are also predisposed to developing dental and gum issues, says Mahaney. Their baby teeth don’t always fall out on their own, and it’s not uncommon for doctors to remove all the baby teeth when the animal is spayed or neutered.
Another size-related health problem is patella luxation, or sliding kneecap, which can affect a teacup dog’s ability to walk. The condition also often makes the animal more prone to arthritis.
In addition, teacup dogs may also be predisposed to developing hydrocephalus, also known as “water on the brain,” says Mahaney.
“When you breed for the way the dog looks instead of for the healthiest genetic stock, health problems emerge,” he adds.
More Potential Dangers for Tiny Teacup Dogs
Owners of these pint-sized pups have to stay vigilant.
If the dogs miss even one meal, their blood sugar levels could drop dangerously low and cause seizures and even death, says Meeks. They also have trouble keeping their bodies warm in cooler weather, which is why you see so many teacup dogs in sweaters.
The dogs’ small bones can break easily, which means owners have to be on alert not to step on them or allow them to jump from too-high surfaces.
“Traumatic events can be life-ending for these dogs,” says Morgan. “Surviving a traffic accident, a fall from the furniture or the owner's arms, or an attack from a larger dog is less likely.”
Teacup dogs’ low blood sugar and body temperature can also lead to problems in the operating room. Doctors have to make sure the operation doesn’t outlast the animal’s blood sugar reserves or provide them with the necessary supplements. They also have to work hard to keep the animal warm as body temperature drops under anesthesia.
“They’re harder to treat,” says Meeks. “Can you imagine putting an IV in a 3 pound dog?”
Meeks says she would prefer if breeders stopped trying to create the miniature pups because of their potential health problems. But if pet owners absolutely have to have one, they need to make sure they’re working with a reputable breeder or rescue group.
You have to do your homework to find the healthiest animal possible, says Mahaney.
“Nobody likes to see a pet suffer and no one likes to see an owner struggle under the cost of medical care,” he says. “I think there are healthier options out there.”
티컵 강아지는 찻잔 속에 들어갈 정도로 작은 강아지라는 데에서 붙여진 명칭이다. 이 품종의 강아지는 특히 한국과 미국, 영국 등에서 큰 인기를 끌고 있다. 영국에서는 일부 브리더(반려견 생산자)들이 인스타그램, 페이스북 등을 포함한 SNS(소셜네트워크서비스)에서 '마이크로 퍼피'란 이름으로 광고하며 수백만원에 판매하기도 한다.
Doctors say common health issues for teacup dogs include hypoglycemia, heart defects, collapsing trachea, seizures, respiratory problems, digestive problems, and blindness.
The breeding practices can also lead to an increased risk for liver shunts, says Meeks. Liver shunts are often congenital birth defects in dogs that affect the liver’s ability to flush out toxins. Treatment for liver shunts can cost up to $6,000, and some types of shunts don’t respond well to therapy regardless of the cost.
Many small dogs are also predisposed to developing dental and gum issues, says Mahaney. Their baby teeth don’t always fall out on their own, and it’s not uncommon for doctors to remove all the baby teeth when the animal is spayed or neutered.
Another size-related health problem is patella luxation, or sliding kneecap, which can affect a teacup dog’s ability to walk. The condition also often makes the animal more prone to arthritis.
In addition, teacup dogs may also be predisposed to developing hydrocephalus, also known as “water on the brain,” says Mahaney.
“When you breed for the way the dog looks instead of for the healthiest genetic stock, health problems emerge,” he adds.
More Potential Dangers for Tiny Teacup Dogs
Owners of these pint-sized pups have to stay vigilant.
If the dogs miss even one meal, their blood sugar levels could drop dangerously low and cause seizures and even death, says Meeks. They also have trouble keeping their bodies warm in cooler weather, which is why you see so many teacup dogs in sweaters.
The dogs’ small bones can break easily, which means owners have to be on alert not to step on them or allow them to jump from too-high surfaces.
“Traumatic events can be life-ending for these dogs,” says Morgan. “Surviving a traffic accident, a fall from the furniture or the owner's arms, or an attack from a larger dog is less likely.”
Teacup dogs’ low blood sugar and body temperature can also lead to problems in the operating room. Doctors have to make sure the operation doesn’t outlast the animal’s blood sugar reserves or provide them with the necessary supplements. They also have to work hard to keep the animal warm as body temperature drops under anesthesia.
“They’re harder to treat,” says Meeks. “Can you imagine putting an IV in a 3 pound dog?”
Meeks says she would prefer if breeders stopped trying to create the miniature pups because of their potential health problems. But if pet owners absolutely have to have one, they need to make sure they’re working with a reputable breeder or rescue group.
You have to do your homework to find the healthiest animal possible, says Mahaney.
“Nobody likes to see a pet suffer and no one likes to see an owner struggle under the cost of medical care,” he says. “I think there are healthier options out there.”
이를 생산하기 위해 작은 체구로 태어난 반려견들을 근친 교배시켜 태어나게 한다. 선천적으로 유전적 결함을 갖고 태어나는 경우가 많은데다 조산 상태에서 인위적으로 어미의 배를 갈라 새끼를 꺼내기도 한다. 그래서 이런 작은 강아지들이 선천적으로 장기부전, 호흡기 질환, 약한 뼈 등 건강상 문제가 있다.
웬디 히긴스 휴먼소사이어티인터네셔널(HSI) 이사는 "티컵 강아지는 매우 작지만 그들이 겪는 고통의 크기는 엄청나게 크다"며 "사실 이런 강아지들을 소형화시키는 것이 불행 그 자체인데도 이런 유행은 빠르게 확산되고 있다"고 말했다. 그는 "어떤 동물도 패션 액세서리가 되어서는 안된다"면서 "티컵 강아지들은 마치 장난감처럼 여겨져서 적절한 운동과 사회화 활동 같은 부분은 무시된다"고 덧붙였다.
영국의 애견클럽에서는 티컵 강아지를 하나의 견종으로 인정하지 않는다. 또한 티컵 강아지를 구매하려고 하는 사람들에게 주의를 기울여야한다고 경고한다.
과거 복수의 매체들이 티컵강아지에 대한 심각성과 위험성을 고발했지만 지금도 티컵강아지 생산은 이어지고 있다. 동물학대로 종종 언급됐음에도 계속해서 생산되는 이유는 여전히 수요와 공급이 존재하기 때문이다. 실제로 포털사이트에 티컵강아지, 미니강아지를 검색하면 여전히 많은 업체에서 분양하고 있다.
히긴스 HSI 이사는 "인터넷을 통해 강아지를 판매하는 것은 반려견을 키울 준비가 되지 않은 사람들에게 충동구매를 부추킬 수 있다"면서 "특히 SNS를 통해 강아지를 사는 것은 반려동물을 키우는 것에 대한 결정을 쉽게 할 뿐만 아니라 동물을 액마치 세서리처럼 생각하게 만든다"고 말했다.
그는 이어 "티컵 강아지를 구매하는 것은 강아지공장 같은 산업을 도와주는 꼴"이라며 "차라리 자신이 사는 지역의 유기동물보호센터를 방문해 그곳에서 가족을 기다리는 사랑스러운 강아지를 맞이하라"고 권했다.
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