Biomolecular engineering for nanobio/bionanotechnolog

This was the first journal to study.
I looked for review paper in the Pubmed site. It seemed a little easier to understand to me.
So it seemed a bit easier to read and understand. But it was so hard and I was willing to give up reading, However, I knew that I was going to try to summarize and it helped me a lot.

처음 공부해 본 저널이다.

Pubmed site에서 Review paper 위주로 찾았다. 그래야 내가 읽고 이해하기 조금은 쉬울것 같았다. 그런데 너무 어려워서 읽기를 포기할까 할정도 였지만 흐름을 알게 요약정리라도 해보겠다 했더니 그것만으로도 많은 도움이 되었다.
